Russian Institute for Strategic Studies

Targets and goals

According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 290 On the Federal State Budgetary Institution the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies dated 27 April 2020, the major purpose of the Institute is the information and analytical support of the federal governmental bodies when forming strategic directions of the governmental policy in the area of national security of the Russian Federation.

The Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISI) is a political and security think tank. The founder of RISS is the President of the Russian Federation.

The main goal of the Institute's activities is information and analytical support for federal government bodies in the formation of strategic directions of state policy in the field of national security.

RISS experts explore a wide range of topics related to current international processes, as well as the socio-political and economic development of the Russian Federation.

RISS actively cooperates with federal and regional authorities, leading scientific, expert and educational centers.


  • information and analytical work;

  • preparation of materials, proposals, recommendations, expert assessments for state structures of Russia;

  • informing political and scientific circles, the public about problems affecting the national security and strategic interests of Russia;

  • organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences, seminars, situational analyzes on priority issues;

  • provision of information and consulting services.

The objectives of the Institute are as follows:

  • 1.

    studying current international and political-military problems, issues of the military and military-industrial policies of the countries all over the world, the social-political and economic situations in the neighbouring countries and determining the development prospects for bilateral relations of the Russian Federation with other countries;

  • 2.

    examining and assessing targets and programmes of governmental policy in the area of national security of the Russian Federation;

  • 3.

    studying problems and development trends in international economic relations, the global market environment, the economic policy of major partners of the Russian Federation;

  • 4.

    analysing and forecasting the sequence of events in different countries and regions which can cause crisis situations, as well as developing suggestions on the ways and methods of handling such situations.