RISS Discussed Ho Chi Minh’s Intellectual Heritage
On December 7, the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies held a regular meeting of the Book Club dedicated to the book "Ho Chi Minh. Sun Tzu's Laws of War." Doctor of historical sciences, Head of the Far East History Department at Saint Petersburg State University, and the creator of the comments and Russian translation of the book, Vladimir Kolotov, took part in the event.
Because Ho Chi Minh's work has never been translated or published in a foreign language, Vladiimir Kolotov's publication is of great interest to academic and expert communities.
Particular attention was paid to the analysis of Ho Chi Minh’s strategy, which included the key ideas of the "Laws of War," ended the French colonial rule in Vietnam, and allowed the Vietnamese to resist American aggression during the Vietnam War. The participants stressed the importance of Ho Chi Minh’s intellectual heritage, which retains its high significance for Vietnam and has a positive impact on Russian-Vietnamese cooperation.
RISS Discussed Ho Chi Minh’s Intellectual Heritage